Tibra’s Book Project:

Why Me, Why Now, Why It’s Worth It?

We invite you to submit your chapter and become a part of this empowering project.

Your contribution will not only enrich our book but also light the way for future scholarship seekers in Indonesia.

Project’s Timeline

01 July 2024

Open Registration

01 July 2024
30 July 2024

Registration Closed

30 July 2024
30 September 2024

Last Day Chapter Submission

30 September 2024
30 October 2024

Chapter Selection Announcement

30 October 2024
29 November 2024

Final Announcement

29 November 2024

Why Me?

Share your unique journey and experiences that led you to pursue scholarships. What made you stand out? What personal qualities, challenges, or achievements defined your path? Your story could be the beacon of hope and inspiration for someone who is just starting their scholarship journey.

Why Now?

Explain the urgency and importance of your scholarship pursuit at this point in your life. Why was it crucial for you to act when you did? Highlight the turning points, the moments of realization, and the driving forces that made you take the leap. Your insights can help others understand the significance of timing and seizing opportunities.

Why Me?

Reflect on the rewards and benefits you gained from your scholarship experience. How has it transformed your life, career, or perspective? Share the tangible and intangible outcomes that made all the effort worthwhile. Your story can provide reassurance and motivation to those questioning their path.

Submission Guidelines

Style: Chapter should be written in a style similar to a novel, capturing the essence of your journey.

Language: The chapter should primarily be written in Bahasa Indonesia. If there is a mix of English, it should not exceed 30%, except for the scholarship essay

Length: Each contributor will be allotted one chapter with a maximum of 2000 words.

Review: Each chapter will be reviewed, edited, and, if necessary, censored to ensure quality and appropriateness.

Copyright: The copyright of the chapters will belong to Tibra, but contributors will be credited.

Scholarship Essay: You can add your scholarship essay, which should be at least 1,000 words long.

Join us now!

Your experience can be the catalyst for someone’s success!

Submit your chapter today and be part of a legacy of inspiration and empowerment.

Why Contribute?

Inspire Others: Your story can motivate and guide other scholarship hunters.
Recognition: Be acknowledged as a contributor in a published book.
Compensation: Selected chapters will be compensated for their contributions.
Legacy: Leave a lasting impact on the scholarship community in Indonesia.

Ready to Inspire?

Together, let’s make a difference in the lives of Indonesia’s future scholarship hunters!

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